Dark Knight Noma Prime
The chart shows the year-over-year (YoY) difference between the US Leading Economic Index (LEI) and the US Coincident Economic Index (CEI), along with the US ISM Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), spanning from 1960 to recent years. It highlights econo
Deepray Prime
The indicator in the image shows the US 10-Year Treasury Bond / US Corporate BBB Effective Yield Differential compared to the S&P 500 performance. Indicator Description: US 10yT Bond - BBB Corporate Bond (inverted) (black line): This line repr
mohammad miredehghan Prime
Yen is the most chosen target currency of carry trading and hedging. Carry trade is funded with low-interest rate currency for higher-yield currency. The market tends to flee the risks/uncertainties by investing in Yen.
CWY Prime
* 台灣領先指標具領先景氣變動之性質,可預測未來景氣之變動,由外銷訂單動向指數(以家數計)、實質貨幣總計數 M1B 、股價指數、工業及服務業受僱員工淨進入率、建築物開工樓地板面積(住宅、商辦、工業倉儲等)、實質半導體設備進口值,及製造業營業氣候測驗點等 7 項
老爹 Prime
美國就業市場調查主要分為:企業端調查(CES)及電話問卷調查(CPS),非農就業人口數月增(以下簡稱非農月增)、失業率分屬於兩項調查。其中,非農月增變化可以觀察短期新增的就業動能,失業率則代表長期就業市場的趨勢。 經濟穩健、強勁時期,非農月增通常會落在 15
Dark Knight Noma Prime
The chart explores the dynamic relationship between the US M2 Money Supply (YoY) 12 Month Z-score, smoothed over 12 months) and the US ISM Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), with the M2 data representing an 8-month lead on the PMI. Due t