聯準會主席 Powell 曾於 2022 年布魯金斯演說中,闡述聯準會委員觀察通膨的方式。 Powell 表示為了評估降低通膨所需採取的措施,將核心通膨拆分為三個組成項目觀察是有用的,分別為:
1. 核心商品通膨(Core Goods)
2. 住房服務通膨(Housing Services)
3. 核心服務
This chart provides a comparison between the valuation of the U.S. stock market, represented by the S&P 500 P/E ratio, and the valuation of U.S. Treasury bonds, represented by the inverse of the 10-year Treasury yield (interpreted as a "P/E