Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Yield Curves Leading vs JOTLS Total Nonfarm Inv
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US 10 year - 2 Year Yield Curve tends to lead PMI by 9-12 months. ● 9-10 months: Strongest correlation. ● 10-11 months: Second strongest. ● 11-12 months: Strong correlation, but generally the weakest among the three, as the economic effects start to
Jfielderstrat Prime
75 0
Year over Year reflects the Momentum divergence between rates and equities US 10-year Treasury Bond yield, deemed as risk-free rate, reflects the opportunity costs for investment. Bond yield increases/decreases as demand slows/rises. Other factors
Norman Prime
296 0
The real interest rate has a negative correlation with gold prices. It is the nominal interest rate less inflation. In this chart, the real interest rate is calculated by the 10-year US Treasury bond yield minus the forward five-year expected inflati
CWY Prime
觀察重點: 資金面升降息比例觀察全球央行政策動向; M2 供給量代表市場資金流動性水位 * 全球-央行升息&降息比例: 全球央行淨降息比例計算方法 = 有多少比例的央行「最後一次利率調整為降息」- 有多少比例的央行「最後一次利率調整為升息」。 全球央行淨降息比例
feng xu Prime