許績慶 Prime
15 0
美國勞動部以每週工時 35 小時作為分水嶺,統計全職及兼職的就業人口。 過往美國經濟衰退時期,企業會因為對於未來景氣的不確定性,僱用成本較低、彈性較大的兼職員工,使得兼職就業人口出現逆勢增加;而相對僱用成本較高、彈性較低的全職員工,則會明顯減少。
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US 10 Year Real Yield vs US ISM Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) Inverted 6 Month Forward
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US ISM Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) New Orders vs US 10 Year Treasury Yield 2 Year % Change 18 Month Forward Inverted
63 0
Value/Growth Stocks vs ISM
30 0
Steel margins is based on Chinese HRC, iron ore, scrap, and coke prices which used to track US steel company index. Not any more!. Trump's import tariffs probably kept US steel prices and margins above the rest of the world?