黃泓學 Prime
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1.MM名詞解釋: 台灣出口中以電子零組件貨品為最大宗、其次為資通與視聽產品 、兩者的成長趨勢決定出口動能。 財政部出口的分類方式: 1. 電子零組件:積體電路、印刷電路板、二極體、太陽能電池、電阻和電容器。 2. 資通/視聽產品:電腦及其附屬單元、電腦之零附件、
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Semiconductor Equipment Billings (3MMA, YoY) 2 Month Lead vs Taiwan Business Cycle Monitoring Indicator 2 Month Lead vs US ISM PMI Order minus Inventories The Monitoring Indicator is score-based and divided into five traffic light signals: 1. Re
RUN Prime
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在 COT 整合式報告中,將市場交易者劃分成投機者及避險者。避險者多與市場反向操作以避險,而投機者不參與實務銷售,交易僅用於賺取實質價差報酬,與市場同向。 因此,我們以投機者減去避險者計算出 COT 籌碼指數,代表市場大戶的多空看法。 銅籌碼 COT 指數 = 銅期貨
Dark Knight Noma Prime
Japan PMI vs Japan Semiconductor Equipment Billings (3MMA, YoY) 4 Month Lead
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index YoY% 4M Lead vs Used Cars & Trucks CPI YoY%
Dark Knight Noma Prime
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It looks like that Bitcoin has room to go for this cycle. "Through observing consumption of electricity and daily issuance of bitcoin, provided by Cambridge University, we can find out the average mining costs of bitcoin. When mining costs are