2019/3/21凌晨 2:00美國聯準會公佈利率決議,五大重點:

1) 維持利率 2.25%~2.50%不變
2) 點陣圖透露今年不再升息
3) 再度下調今年經濟、通膨,上調失業率預期
4) 確定縮表將採漸進方式於 9月結束,機構債將於 10月後再投資於美債
5) 記者會強調保持耐心,但美國經濟穩健看法



本次聯準會官員全數贊成維持聯邦基準利率不變。而 M平方最為關注的今年升息路徑則調整至不會升息!由利率點陣圖可以看出, 2019年的目標利率中位數下調至 2.325%(原 2.875%),較 12月份下調兩碼,下調人數高達 9人! 明後兩年則分別維持升息一碼、暫停升息,同時長期利率維持 2.875%,結束近年來罕見的倒掛現象。整體而言,聯準會再度放緩緊縮路徑且長期利率首度超過短期,顯示其認為利率已達中性區間水準,利率對於就業與產出將不再有刺激及壓抑作用,未來調整利率與否,將視經濟、通膨狀況而定。

利率會議後,FedWatch 顯示 2019全年不升息機率自會前 75.5%,小幅下滑至 63.4%,而降息 1次機率自 2成附近,上升至 3成,鴿派聲浪大作。


2019年 3月份重點

聲明稿對就業市場敘述自進一步轉強改為維持強勁,並補充敘述 2月非農新增就業雖變化不大,但最近幾個月平均增長仍穩健(Strong->Solid),而失業率也維持低檔。另外,經濟活動部分,強調自去年 Q4以來的穩健增長放緩(Solid->Slow)。

聲明稿指出近期數據顯示家庭支出及企業投資在第一季有所放緩。 (原文:Recent indicators point to slower growth of household spending and business fixed investment in the first quarter. )



近 3個年度(2019 ~ 2021)
下調今明兩年 GDP 成長率:2.1%(原 2.3%)、 1.9%(原 1.8%)、 1.8%。
上調失業率:3.7%(原 3.5%)、 3.8%(原 3.6%)、 3.9%(原 3.8%)。
下調 PCE :1.8%(原 1.9%)、 2%(原 2.1%)、 2.0%(原 2.1%)。
維持核心 PCE 不變 :2.0%、 2.0%、 2.0%。

四、縮表以漸進方式於 9月結束,並宣布 10月後機構債到期將再投資於美債!

聯準會 2017年 10月啟動的資產負債表正常化計畫,採行被動縮表方式,針對兩大資產:美國公債及不動產抵押證券(MBS),每個月逐步減少到期本金再投資。計畫從最初的 2017Q4每月回收 100億、 2018Q1 200億,Q2 300億等逐季增加 100億,以目前最多 500億的方式漸進贖回聯準會持有美債及 MBS(美債 300億/MBS 200億)。至今年 Q1預估實際回收金額將達約 5345億。截至最新 3/13數值,聯準會資產端已減少 4889億至 3.97兆,而負債端,尤其是銀行超額準備金已減少 6087億至 1.52兆。


1) 自 5月起降低美債到期贖回的再投資上限至 150億(原:300億)
(原文:To ensure a smooth transition to the longer-run level of reserves consistent with efficient and effective policy implementation……The Committee intends to slow the reduction of its holdings of Treasury securities by reducing the cap on monthly redemptions from the current level of $30 billion to $15 billion beginning in May 2019.)

2) 確定今年 9月底結束縮表計畫
(原文:The Committee intends to conclude the reduction of its aggregate securities holdings in the System Open Market Account (SOMA) at the end of September 2019.)

3) 長期持有美債組成,繼續實施機構債與 MBS 的到期贖回
(原文:The Committee intends to continue to allow its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to decline, consistent with the aim of holding primarily Treasury securities in the longer run......any principal payments in excess of that maximum will continue to be reinvested in agency MBS.)

4) 自 10月開始,機構債與 MBS 到期將再投資於美債(限於 200億 / 月以內,購買美債期限與流通在外到期一致)
(原文:Beginning in October 2019, principal payments received from agency debt and agency MBS will be reinvested in Treasury securities subject to a maximum amount of $20 billion per month...... Principal payments from agency debt and agency MBS below the $20 billion maximum will initially be invested in Treasury securities across a range of maturities to roughly match the maturity composition of Treasury securities outstanding.)

5) 縮表結束後,銀行準備金將略高於有效實施貨幣政策水準
(原文:The average level of reserves after the FOMC has concluded the reduction of its aggregate securities holdings at the end of September will likely still be somewhat above the level of reserves necessary to efficiently and effectively implement monetary policy.)

6) 承諾維持總資產規模不變,讓流通貨幣自然增長及準備金逐步降至有效水平
(原文:In that case, the Committee currently anticipates that it will likely hold the size of the SOMA portfolio roughly constant for a time. During such a period, persistent gradual increases in currency and other non-reserve liabilities would be accompanied by corresponding gradual declines in reserve balances to a level consistent with efficient and effective implementation of monetary policy.)

7) 承諾達到貨幣政策有效水平時,聯準會將開始購買資產,彌補非儲備負債端的增長,並保持適當的儲備水準
(原文:When the Committee judges that reserve balances have declined to this level, the SOMA portfolio will hold no more securities than necessary for efficient and effective policy implementation. Once that point is reached, the Committee will begin increasing its securities holdings to keep pace with trend growth of the Federal Reserve's non-reserve liabilities and maintain an appropriate level of reserves in the system.)


1) 強調未見到數據支持聯準會改變保持耐心立場,12月消費數據疲弱、通膨依舊溫和為暫緩調整利率主因。
(原文:We don’t see data coming in that suggest that we should move in either direction. They suggest that we should remain patient and let the situation clarify itself over time.)

(原文:I don’t feel that we have kind of convincingly achieved our 2 percent mandate in a symmetrical way……That gives us the ability to be patient, and not move until we see that our target goals are being achieved.)

2) 雖然 2018年美國經濟沒有放緩跡象,但海外經濟趨緩,尤其中國、歐洲,而今年以來美國數據好壞參半。
(原文:growth has slowed in some foreign economies noddle notably in Europe and China……while the US economy showed little evidence of slowdowns, through the end of 2018……the limited data we have so far this year have been somewhat more mixed.)

3) 預計聯準會總資產負債表規模將為 GDP 的 17% (約 3.5兆~3.7兆)
(原文:the balance sheet will be of a size of approximately 17% of GDP around the end of this year down from 25 percent of GDP in at the end of 2014.)

【 M 評論】


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